Simple, not easy
Over the years I have trained many dogs and developed / acquired certain methods that work for me. That said, learning still never stops. Once you get into the dog training , the concept of training is simple, but it is not easy- no matter the discipline.
Adjusting to what you have in front of you
Every dog is different, and when something works for one it might not work for another. Not only that, but the dog can change also. They go through phases, first you have baby in front of you, open and "empty". They are like little sponges, just fill them up with all you can and embrace yourself for the adolescence period. Not all dogs go through puberty, but many do, and for many it can get bad- really bad. Training can be challenging at those times, but the key is to keep going. Most of the times you just have to be consistent, but sometimes methods that worked wonderfully are not working anymore and you have to make adjustments. While adapting and changing things can make wonders for some, it can also create problems if not used carefully. Bouncing from one thing to another can confuse the dog and if you are not careful with it the dog might stop co-operating. Study your dogs, learn their limits, see the difference between things they can’t and just won’t do, get to know what they love and what they really don't like, when you find something that works - be consistent. . Do that and you’ll have with a dog who loves training and being around you.